What we do
Our expertise
At Bahia Frutos we stand for dedicated access to uncompromisable and truly sustainable citrus products from Brazil.
We have our roots in the production of sustainable citrus from different regions from Brazil and the bottling and distribution of beverages in the European market. Experienced in the dedicated bio-dynamic production of citrus fruit and with a long history in the conventional production and processing, this field to bottle combination allows us to offer premium products from fixed sources with consistent quality, full transparency and dedicated reliable commitments.
In addition we leverage our network and experience to facilitate a dedicated group of seasoned mid-size citrus farmers and processors from various regions of Brazil to place their quality products exclusively within the global juice market of our network.
Seedlings Nursery
- No use of fine chemicals – no contamination of the water sources, the soil or the forests.
- Natural Fertilizer from proprietary sources ensures quality while retaining cost efficiency.
- Organic Herbicides, Acarecides and Pesticides – are sourced from registered product suppliers.
- No pollution of ground water - Perpetuation of a source of high-quality natural water and with very prolonged use.